Copyright © 1993, 1997, 2015 by Jim Hull

(Please cite the author if you quote from this work)



Swami Jimbo Ashram

December 2, 1993


Mr. Suzanne Whull

[address withheld]


Dear Mr. Whull:

Once again it's time to ponder the holiday gift-buying problem. Yet why think of it as a problem when Sri Swami Suchabanana Rama Jimbo Propaganda takes the worry out of shopping with his exclusive mail-order wish list?

Our records indicate that, thanks to your generosity, Mr. Whull, Swami is now able to access advanced computer technology that will improve and simplify his efforts on behalf of humanity. But Swami now realizes that there are one or two electronic toys --er, marvels that would ease even further the burdens of communicating with his legions of followers. Those items top Swami Jimbo's wish list this year.

As you read through the following, consider carefully how each suggestion represents an opportunity for you to contribute lovingly to others (especially Swami). Don't forget also that you receive karmic "brownie points" every time you contribute. This should help speed your own journey through the wilderness of reincarnation.

Without further ado, here are the suggestions, featuring the patented mail-order wish list :

. . . As you can see, there are so many ways to contribute to the Ashram, choices for every taste and pocketbook! This is by no means an exhaustive list of Swami's needs. Heavens, no! But these are the most important that come to Swami's mind as the season of good cheer approaches. On Christmas Day, Swami looks forward to finding something from you under the tree!

Meanwhile, may the peace of the season be upon you and yours, and may all your instant karma be good!



Ma Anand Foofoo,

Secretary to S. S. Jimbo


4 catalogs enclosed and bookmarked



If you find any part of this work quoted without credit to the author, please let him know! Thank you. jimhull@jimhull.com



But caveat auctor: Jim reserves the right to put your little screed on his Web site! (And he has no dignity about this, so be careful what you say...)


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